Headshot of 马库斯Frederich


Professor of Marine 科学s


Eligible for Student Opportunities

Dr. Frederich is a Professor of Marine 科学s at the University of New England. He received his masters degree in biology from the Technical University of Darmstadt, 德国, 在那里他研究了受切尔诺贝利核灾难影响的蚂蚁的解剖异常. 他获得了博士学位。.D. degree from the University of Bremen, 表彰他在不来梅港阿尔弗雷德·韦格纳极地和海洋研究所的工作, 德国. Here he investigated stress physiology mechanisms in Antarctic crustaceans. For this project he also worked at the Station Biologique de Roscoff in France, and at the Instituto de la Patagonia, 麦哲伦大学, 在蓬塔阿里纳斯, 智利. Dr. Frederich did his post doctoral work at Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA, where he investigated energy metabolism of mammalian hearts using NMR spectroscopy. 2003年,他加入了正规澳门赌场网络,在那里他建立了自己的实验室,研究海洋无脊椎动物的能量代谢和应激生理学. He also spent several summers at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, MDIBL, 在巴尔港, 缅因州.



M.S. 在生物学中
Technical University of Darmstadt, 德国
Ph.D. 生理学
University of Bremen; Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine 研究, Bremerhaven, 德国


博士后训练, Cardiovascular Physiology
Harvard Medical School / Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston, Massachusetts)



amp活化蛋白激酶在甲壳类动物温度阈值中的作用, using methods of physiology and molecular biology.  研究入侵绿蟹红色和绿色形态在应激生理上的差异, Carcinus maenas

Investing stress physiology in different populations of green crabs

监测入侵物种作为海洋入侵者监测和信息合作的一部分, 模仿



Undergraduate students underlined

Frederich米[2]气候变化时代甲壳类动物的温度阈值. in Crustacean Physiology, ed. 用R. 火枪. 苹果学术出版社. 在新闻

丹齐格,, Olson ZH, Frederich米 (2022) Limitations of eDNA analysis for Carcinus maenas 丰度估计. BMC Ecol Evo 22, 14.http://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-022-01969-z

丹齐格,, Frederich米 (2022) Challenges in eDNA detection of the invasive European green crab, Carcinus maenas. 生物入侵. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-022-02757-y

Himes A, Balschi WS, Pelletier G, Frederich米 (2017) Color-phase specific ion regulation of the European green crab, Carcinus maenas, in an oscillating salinity environment. Journal of Shellfish 研究, 36(2) 465-479

Pennoyer KE, Himes AR, Frederich米 (2016)入侵欧洲绿蟹性别和色相对离子调节的影响, Carcinus maenas. Marine Biology 163(6):  1-15

Goodchild CG, Frederich米, Zeeman SI(2016)淡水贻贝的行为改变是否与细胞能量调节有关(Elliptio complanata)接触三氯生? Comp Biochem Physiol C 179: 150-157

Goodchild CG, Frederich米, Zeeman SI (2015) amp激活的蛋白激酶是暴露于城市污水的淡水贻贝能量状态的生物标志物. 科学 of the Total Environment 512–513: 201–209

阿伦森RB, Frederich米, Price R, Thatje S(2015)南极碎壳蟹回归的前景. Journal of Biogeography 42, 1–7

Sokolova IM, Frederich米, Bagwe R, Lannig G, Sukhotin AA(2012)能量稳态作为评估水生无脊椎动物环境应激耐受极限的综合工具. Marine Environmental 研究 79: 1-15

Jost JA, Podolski SM, Frederich米 (2012). 通过消除pejus范围来增强热耐受性:与三种十足甲壳类动物的比较研究. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 444, 263-274

Frederich米, O’rourke米, 弗瑞N, Jost J (2009) amp活化蛋白激酶(AMPK)影响岩蟹的温度耐受性, 癌症irroratus. Journal of Experimental Biology, 212: 722-730

Frederich米, O’rourke米, Towle D (2006) Is AMP activated protein kinase expression in 癌症irroratus a better signal for temperature stress than HSP70? MDIBL公报45:37 -39

张磊,何宏, Frederich米, Balschi JA(2006)灌注小鼠心脏中5-氨基咪唑-4-羧酰胺核糖肽与AMP激活的蛋白激酶活性的关系. [J] .中国生物医学工程学报,29 (3):1235-1243

Pinz I, Perry D, Frederich米 (2005)岩蟹厌氧症中5′-AMP活化蛋白激酶的激活, 癌症irroratus. MDIBL公报44:31-32

Frederich米, 张左, Balschi JA(2005)缺氧和AMP独立改变心脏中AMP活化的蛋白激酶活性. Am J Physiol 288: H2412-H2421

Frederich米, Balschi JA(2002)离体灌注大鼠心脏中AMP活化蛋白激酶活性与AMP浓度的关系. J Biol Chem 277/3: 1928-1932

一杯啤酒, Frederich米, RM维蒂希, Pörtner HO(2001)不同温度下海蜘蛛蟹血淋巴流量和通气的同时观察:流量加权MRI研究. 医学影像19:1113-1124

Frederich米, 家族小说FJ, Pörtner HO(2001)极地地区十足甲壳类动物的分布格局:镁调控的结果? Polar Biology 24/10: 719-723

Frederich米, 家族小说FJ, Arntz我们, Pörtner HO(2000)十足甲壳类动物的血淋巴Mg2+调节:极地地区的生理相关性和生态后果. [J]中国生物医学工程学报,2003,19 (3):444 - 444

Frederich米, Pörtner HO(2000)蜘蛛蟹心脏和呼吸性能定义的热耐受氧限制 Maja squinado. Am J Physiol 279: R1531-R1538

Frederich米, DeWachter B, Pörtner HO(2000)低温耐受性与心脏功能和血淋巴分布的调节 Maja squinado (甲壳纲动物:十足目). 物理学报,73/4:406-415


Organizer of the annual Northeast Undergraduate 研究 and Development Symposium, 卑微的人, 每年吸引来自美国东北部和加拿大海事地区60多所不同大学的约200名本科生研究人员到正规澳门赌场网络展示他们的研究成果.


1999. 来自DAAD(德国学术交流服务)的旅行补助金(D/97/10464),用于在巴塔哥尼亚研究所进行实验, 麦哲伦大学, 彭塔阿雷纳斯, 智利

2004. New Investigator Award from the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, 索尔兹伯里湾, ME, $5,500

2005. New Investigator Award from the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, 索尔兹伯里湾, ME, $6,000

2006. American Physiological Society, 研究 Career Enhancement Award, $3,072

2006. 国家科学基金会, “细胞对热应激的快速和缓慢反应:AMP激活的蛋白激酶和HSP70在两种十足甲壳类动物中的作用”, $377,247, 2007年6月- 2010年6月

2006. 国家科学基金会, course development grant, Co-PI with Dr. 拉里·弗里茨《正规澳门赌场网络教育与研究的结合导致毕业》(SynER-G), 
$575,595, September 2007-September 2011

2008. Supplement to 国家科学基金会 course development grant (SynER-G, 与拉里·弗里茨合作), to support an undergraduate research conference at UNE in March 2009, $7,500

2014. 缅因州SeaGrant计划发展资助:“蓝贻贝的全动物和分子反应(贝壳类) exposed to municipal effluent: application of a bioenergetics framework". $3,000

2014. 国家自然科学基金项目“TURBO:中南大学本科生生物多样性观测站——加强STEM教育的长期生态研究型研究经验”; 

2015. 美国国家科学基金会:“核磁共振成像:正规澳门赌场网络海洋科学研究和教育的流动凸轮的获取”. 三年118475美元

2019. 国家科学基金会:“分子到生态系统:环境DNA作为缅因州沿海生态系统可持续性的纽带(缅因州eDNA)”. $100,000 for 5 years (this is a part of a larger $20 million collaborative grant)  

2020. 美国国家科学基金会:“龙虾资助:将生理热阈值与龙虾定居者和幼虾的分布联系起来”. $312,150 for 3 years (this is a part of a larger 
$850,000 collaborative grant) 


Invited plenary presentation

Frederich米, Toombs C, Pennoyer K (2012) Color polymorphism in the Green crab, Carcinus maenas: are green morphs really more stress tolerant than red morphs? Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 查尔斯顿, SC, 1月3 - 7, 邀请演讲

Frederich米 .(2009)海洋无脊椎动物急性应激的新细胞标志物AMPK. 法国湾年度甲壳类研讨会,2009年7月13日至14日,索尔兹伯里湾,缅因州,邀请谈话

Frederich米 (2008) amp激活的蛋白激酶是否比HSP70在癌症损伤中更好的温度胁迫信号? University of Southern 缅因州, Portland, ME, October 23 2008, invited seminar

Frederich米 (2008) Molecular markers for temperature stress in decapod crustaceans. Darling Marine Center, Walpole, ME, invited seminar


Environmental DNA and its application in Invasive species biology.

Temperature thresholds and adaptation in marine invertebrates, regulation of energy metabolism under stress.

请看我们的a视频  green crab running on a treadmill.

